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online platform for intl legal service opened

source:           editor:zhang wenni

recently, the official website of shaanxi legal service newly launched the section "the belt and road international commercial legal services platform".

the platform currently functions as a one-stop legal service convergence (international cooperation organization, judicial organ, arbitration institution, lawyer notary institution, legal service center), law lookup (country laws, conventions and treaties, agreements and practices, foreign-related cases), consultation appointment (online appointment, online consultation), as well as other functional roles.

at the same time,  a team of legal service talents was organized, focusing on the legal service demands of "belt and road" tech companies and foreign-related enterprises. the "7 × 24 hours" convenient legal service is provided, covering comprehensive legal services such as consultation, query, application and appointment. the services such as appointment application and legal policy lookup are offered online.

according to wang haizhou, a staff member of the belt and road demonstration zone for international commercial legal services (brdz-icls), this online platform brings together legal service talents in public legal service, notary, forensic appraisal, arbitration and social mediation. it functions as a one-stop legal service platform and offers legal services such as law lookup, policy and regulation reference, and consultation. with the support of "the belt and road demonstration zone for international commercial legal services (brdz-icls)", a comprehensive online & offline platform with commercial legal services will be established.
