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barren terrain undergoes dramatic transformation

source:china daily           editor:zhang wenni

seawater rice plants stand in a field in weifang, a coastal city in shandong. [photo/china daily]

after four years' work, the soil's organic matter in soil in the demonstration area rose by more than 8 percent on average, while its salt content fell by 21 percent, according to statistics from the observation and research station.

while improving the soil quality, experts are also cultivating salt-tolerant plant varieties. using modern cultivation techniques, 37 new varieties of salt-resistant plants, including quinoa, alfalfa, oats and triticale, have been grown in the area.

in dongying's hekou district, varying levels of salinity affected 89 percent of the 34,260 hectares of arable land, and agricultural workers have cultivated more than 20 varieties of salt-tolerant crops on such soil in the district.

chen xinguo, who oversees the yellow river delta salt-tolerant soybean industrial innovation center, said, "we plan to cultivate three new varieties of salt-tolerant soybean crops by 2025."

located about 20 kilometers from the bohai sea coastline, the yuwang wetland in the northern part of hanting district was once a large, barren area with more than 12,000 hectares of salty soil in which crops could not survive.
