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carpe diem: steal time in this tea house

source:           editor:zhang wenni

today, we are going to give you a tour of this poetic tea house hidden in the city, to learn how to "steal time".

address:carpe diem

tianshuijing street witnessed the city's prosperity and vibrance, conveying every aspect of people's life. the time-honored shops and niche coffee and tea shops collide on this street. while the era keeps shifting, they gradually become compatible with each other.


walking along tianshuijing street, moving straight, and passing through wuxing street, you will capture the shop front. "xu jin huan", the chinese name of the shop, is painted in black, well paired with the white wall. the name was taken from the famous chinese poem "invitation to wine", and the original verse is "when hopes are won, oh, drink your fill in high delight". its latin name "carpe diem" represents the same spirit —— to seize the day.

for the shop owner, the original intention of opening this tea house is to create a space for people to enjoy the leisure and slow down.

there are quite a lot of calligraphy works in the shop, nicely allocated in each corner. immersing in this sea of calligraphy, you can easily capture a moment filled with an archaic vibe.     

cold brew and hot brew tea, special tea, and various kinds of desserts and pastries fit well with the theme of the store, and each has its own style and taste. everyone can find their favorite here.sit on the balcony to have a sip of the fresh tea, enjoy the serenity underneath the hustle and bustle.
