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to-do list after the lockdown: eat!(2)

source:discover shaanxi           editor:马一旭

latest update

from 00:00 to 24:00 on january 22nd, shaanxi reported no new locally confirmed case, suspected case or asymptomatic carrier, and 71 were cured and discharged from hospital.

as of january 22nd, 2022, there are 1 high-risk area and 2 medium-risk areas in xi'an. the rest of the city is defined as low-risk area.

medium-risk areas

zhangba subdistrict, gaoxin district

fengdong new city doumen subdistrict, xixian new area

large shopping malls, bank branches and other business closely related to the daily life of citizens have resumed business.

if there are no special circumstances, it is expected that the whole city of xi'an will be downgraded to low-risk areas on january 25, and will resume regular epidemic prevention and control except specific lockdown communities.


hey friends! have you smelt the flavor of freedom! and of course, the flavor of liangpi (cold noodles), roujiamo, hulatang, hot pot, barbecue, paomo, etc.

the most sought-after area in the supermarket is - surprisingly - the hot pot! haha so simple desire for food.  




as lockdown is about to be lifted, people in xi'an are planning to enjoy local snacks. see if following snacks are in your plan.  



have a bowl of red oil rice noodles at south alley. the essence of the red oil rice noodles lies in the bright red oil soup with many bean foam floating on top. you can smell the flavor from a long distance.


have a cumin meat baozi at "shi's baozi" at the muslim street. it's so surprising that such a tiny baozi has so strong and unbelievable taste.


grab a cup of freshly ground soybean milk at "yonghe". find the pure happiness in the simple life and treat your stomach in the freezing winter.



have a romantic dinner at the roof top of joy city. looking at the dayan pagoda out of the window, one can't help but sigh at the ups and downs of xi'an in its thousand-year history, and amaze at the resilient and tenacious local residents.




have "guanzhong six minibowls" at chang'an dai pai dong. used to be a dish to welcome those travel in guanzhong, "guanzhong six minibowls" is now a popular dish among locals. and of course there must be biangbiang noodles, gourd chicken, jingyang zenggao, qinzhen rice noodles, youta…everything on the menu!


last but not the least, buy a fine chunk of sauced beef at "qianzikou jia yongxin" on the muslim street. simply slice it and then you have a nice dish!


the real and simple life is the most effective balsam to the soul. perhaps after over a month's stay at home, we finally realize that the biggest happiness is safety and health in simple life.

pics from the internet
