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classic shaanxi dishes

source:           editor:张悦




on february 1st  of 2021, a large-scale food documentary in 4k "thousand years of shaanxi cuisine" was first broadcast on cctv 2. it was co-produced by west film & tv and qin han film & tv.  this documentary outlined the changes of shaanxi cuisine with multiple angles, and storytelling the inheritance of "shaanxi cuisine" by the people of sanqin land.


"thousand years of shaanxi cuisine" has multiple themes, it narrates the old shaanxi characters and different dishes through more than 20 stories.


every shaanxi dish has different cultural memory and background. tasting the dishes is not only to fill the stomach, but also to experience the history across time and space.


let's have a look at the roast suckling pig and stewed fish soup.


"paotun" originated from the court dishes of zhou dynasty, and now it is called the roast suckling pig.

烤乳猪 roast suckling pig


the practice of the roast suckling pig in zhou dynasty was very complicated. nowadays, the roast suckling pig has become a simplified and improved version of a 3,000-year old shaanxi dish.


the delicacy of food materials is the core of chinese food, which has been handed down for thousands of years.


chinese food not only exerts the enjoyment of taste, but also reflects high art value from visual and auditory perspective


cooking process


salt, sugar and xifeng wine are spread and rubbed evenly in several times. afterwards, bean curd, sesame sauce and other condiments shall be added, also with the prepared spices. finally, the surface shall be brushed with a layer of maltose to color the dish. stuck with an iron fork, the pork now is ready for grilling.


during the nearly two-hour roasting process, the temperature of the charcoal fire and the frequency of the turning directly affect the color and taste of the suckling pig.

奶汤锅子鱼  stewed fish soup


it is derived from the most famous feast in shaanxi cuisine, "brewed fish" in the menu of "shao wei feast" in tang dynasty. with chicken, duck, pork elbow, pig bone the main ingredients, also added with fish and various seasonings, the soup will be slowly boiled. afterwards, the fish soup will be as white and mellow as milk.


delicacy is always more than we know. food brings us not only the fascinating taste and visual enjoyment, but also the profound culture and changes over times.



let's wait and see

the series will continue
