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sco summit 2022: yangling boosts agricultural tech cooperation among sco members

source:           editor:zhang wenni

we head to an agricultural high-tech fair near xi'an in the northwest of china. it's being held in yanling district which has become a center for cooperation in agricultural technology among the member states of the shanghai cooperation organization.

this is the yangling smart agriculture demonstration park. it's one of the exhibition areas of the china yangling agricultural hi-tech fair. it's also a modern agriculture training center for shanghai cooperation organization members.

one of the visitors observing the vegetables growing without sunlight is bayan, a student from kazakhstan.

bayan student from kazakhstan "high quality agricultural technology is developing rapidly in yangling. i learned a lot here. after i graduate next year, i will contribute to my country with the knowledge i have acquired here to help agriculture in kazakhstan develop better and faster."

modern agriculture is becoming a new highlight for cooperation among sco countries. the establishment of sco demonstration base for agricultural technology exchange and training will promote exchange and cooperation in agricultural technologies, education and training of specialists, and building production facilities. it's the first agricultural hi-tech industrial demonstration zone in china. yangling has a cluster of agricultural colleges and universities, technology companies and innovation teams, promoting exchange and cooperation in modern agriculture, food production, trade and investment, helping ensure food security.
