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xi'an achieved "0 confirmed cases in the society"

source:           editor:wenny

latest update on covid-19 in shaanxi

from 0:00 to 24:00 on march 18, there were 11 newly confirmed local cases ( 1 in xi'an, 7 in baoji, 2 in hanzhong, 1 in tongchuan) in shaanxi, 8 previously confirmed cases were discharged from the hospital. 

since march 5, a total of 343 confirmed local cases (92 in xi'an, 203 in baoji, 30 in hanzhong, 1 in yangling demonstration zone, 13 in tongchuan, 4 in xianyang) were reported in shaanxi, among whom 19 were discharged from the hospital, and 324 are still in hospital now.

xi'an managed to achieve "zero confirmed cases in the society" in 11 days

source: the press conference on epidemic prevention and control in xi'an held on mar 18

since the latest round of covid-19, xi'an has insisted on precise prevention and control with differentiated districts and levels, as well as the thorough epidemiological investigation; the city also promptly conducted multiple mass nat to timely identify possible sources of risks; the adoption of the epidemiological survey, transfer, and isolated observation improved the efficiency of epidemic control measures; with the prompt actions on "dynamic zero-covid", it took 11 days for the city to finally achieve "zero confirmed cases in the society". all confirmed cases reported since march 15 were identified from centrally isolated personnel, and the risk of community transmission was under control.

moving forward, continued epidemic prevention and control measures will be taken, focusing on the following three aspects

eliminate the potential risk thoroughly

at present, there are still 47 closed-off areas and 26 controlled areas in xi'an, involving more than 70,000 residents. in order to completely eliminate the risk and ensure the safety of the residents and the entire situation, some districts, counties and development zones will also organize a certain range of nat, as well as testing and disinfection of corresponding areas, based on the real-time situations.

rigidly implement measures to defend against imported cases

as of the afternoon of march 18, in addition to xi'an, there are 23 high-risk areas and 377 medium-risk areas in other domestic provinces and cities in china, involving total of 20 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government). therefore, for visitors to xi'an from the above-mentioned areas, the health code, digital travel records and 48-hour negative nat will still be checked at the airport, railway station and bus station, as well as the highway checkpoints around the city. trajectory investigation at the community level will be strengthened. for visitors who have traveled in medium and high-risk areas, and the corresponding counties (cities and districts), and for those who have intersected with the travel trajectories of confirmed cases, please report the situation in time.

search the wechat mini program "国务院客户端"(state council) to identify the risk level of your location       

continued precise epidemic prevention and control

social control in xi'an will continuously be implemented for now. try to avoid traveling unless necessary; gatherings and mass gathering activities are controlled; for shopping malls, supermarkets, farmers' markets, wholesale markets and other public places, as well as buses, subways and other public transportation, the flow of people will still be controlled; for special institutions such as nursing homes and children's welfare homes, as well as universities, colleges and secondary schools, closed-off management will be continued. 

for the risk of resurgences during the latest covid-19 in xi'an still exists, also with the relatively high risk of imported cases into the city, according to studies of experts, restaurants previously suspended from dine-in will keep following the suspension, so will the previously suspended chess rooms, mahjong parlors, libraries, theaters and other non-essential enclosed places and underground venues.
