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the sixth session of the 13th shaanxi provincial people’s congress opened in xi'an

source:discover shaanxi           editor:马一旭

in the morning of january 19th, the sixth session of the 13th shaanxi provincial people’s congress grandly opened at the auditorium of shaanxi hotel conference center.

liu guozhong, secretary of the cpc shaanxi provincial committee and executive chairman of the presidium of the sixth session of the 13th shaanxi provincial people’s congress, presided over the ceremony.

zhao yide, governor of shaanxi province, reported on the work on behalf of the shaanxi provincial people’s government.

among those at the front row of the podium were executive chairmen of the presidium of the sixth session of the 13th shaanxi provincial people’s congress, including liu guozhong, liu xiaoyan, jiang feng, zhu jingzhi, guo qing, liang hongxian, dai zhengshe, guo dawei, and wen yinxue.

also seated at the podium were zhao yide, han yong, xu xinrong, ma zhongping, wang xiao, wang xingning, zhuang changxing, zhao gang, fang hongwei, li yang, cheng fubo, other members of the presidium of the session, deputy governor of shaanxi provincial people’s government, deputy party secretary and deputy chairmen of the shaanxi committee of the cppcc, president of shaanxi provincial high people's court, chief prosecutor of shaanxi provincial people's procuratorate, representatives of shaanxi provincial people’s congress, and provincial-level comrades within the shaanxi committee of the cppcc.

for the sixth session of the 13th shaanxi provincial people’s congress, 561 delegates should be present, 468 delegates attended this plenary session, in line with the quorum.

according to the agenda of the meeting, governor zhao yide reported on the government work on behalf of the provincial government. the report is divided into three parts: first, the review of the work in 2021; second, the overall requirements and expected goals for 2022; third, focal point of the work in 2022.

zhao yide said, "2021 is a very important year in the development course of shaanxi. president xi jinping, at the centenary of the party, once again personally visited shaanxi, gave us the greatest inspiration; 2021 is an extraordinary year in the development course of shaanxi, the national games, paralympic games and special olympics were held for the first time in the same year in the same place, in china's central and western regions; 2021 is also an extremely tough year, in the face of the outbreak of latest covid-19, we took decisive measures, worked night and day to stop the spread of the epidemic spillover, and the epidemic prevention and control situation continues to improve. over the past year, we have adhered to seeking progress in a stable manner, and managed to achieve stable economic growth, promote reform and opening up speed, implement systematic management to improve ecological environment, accelerate the two-way integration of urban and rural areas, so as to benefit the people. we basically completed the main objectives of the annual economic and social development tasks, with the gross domestic product growth reaching 6.5%, per capita disposable income growth reaching 8.9%, and the general public budget revenue growth reaching 22.9%.

in terms of the overall requirements and expected targets for 2022, zhao yide said, "we should adhere to the guidance of xi jinping thought on socialism with chinese characteristics for a new era, comprehensively implement the 19th party congress and the 19th plenary session, the spirit of the central economic work conference, thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the important speeches and instructions of president xi jinping's visit to shaanxi, carry forward the great party building spirit, adhere to the general keynote of seeking progress in a stable manner, adhere to the supply-side structural reform as the main line, coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, balance development and security, continue to improve people's livelihood, maintain economic operation in a reasonable range, maintain social stability, maintain high-quality development of shaanxi, so as to welcome the 20th national congress of the cpc. the main expected targets for this year's development are: the increase of 6% in gdp growth,  3% in general public budget revenue,  6.5% and 8% in the urban and rural residents' income respectively."

there were two more agendas in the ceremony: review the report on the implementation of 2021 national economic and social development plan in shaanxi and the draft of 2022 national economic and social development plan; review the report on the implementation of 2021 fiscal budget in shaanxi and the draft of 2022 fiscal budget. 
