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major cold, last one of the 24 solar term

source:discover shaanxi           editor:马一旭

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from 00:00 to 24:00 on january 19, no covid19 case was confirmed in shaanxi, and 142 patients were cured and discharged from hospital.


major cold is the last solar term in the annual lunar calendar. like minor cold, it represents the level of coldness, and major cold calls for the coldest period within a year (lunar calendar).


after the major cold, it's getting warmer. therefore, this term indicates the switch of yin and yang in the year, it is also a turning point when the winter ends and the spring arrives. when it is over, a new cycle of 24 solar term shall begin.

welcome the upcoming lunar new year


as major cold arrives, the lunar new year is around the corner. joy and happiness are everywhere. people will be busy cleaning up and make decorations to welcome the new beginning. normally, major related affairs will involve marinating some dishes and preparing necessities and food for the lunar new year.

traditional food during major cold


the classical traditional food during major cold are eight-treasure rice pudding, rice cake, chicken soup, glutinous rice, eight-treasure porridge.


during major cold, people in northern region of china have a habit of eating "dispelling cold cake", a kind of rice cake that can help dispel the cold. in chinese the word "rice cake" has the same pronunciation with the word "higher in a new year", which symbolizes good luck and continual promotion.

keep healthy during major cold


there is a saying that goes, "it is quite chilling even without wind during minor and major cold." major cold shows the tail of chill in winter, so it's crucial to keep warm, mind for coldness, avoid excessive salt in food, and stay away from cold food.

stay peaceful and calm inside


during major cold, try to maintain the peace of mind, relax yourself and hold your qi, so that the qi and blood in the body are in harmony, without disturbing the yang qi in the body. all in all, the goal is to improve resistance to pathogenic microorganisms, as well as to improve autoregulation, and prevent pathogenic factors.

go to bed early, but sleep in a little


the winter is not over yet, you shall go to bed early while sleeping in a little. that's how you cope with winter. just give yourself a full rest physically and mentally, upon the all-year hustling.


if the indoor heating or air conditioning is often on, in addition to opening the windows frequently for ventilation, remember to increase the humidity in the air by using an air humidifier or through other methods.


a cycle is almost over

coldest period as it is

spring is around the corner

whatever you have been through in this winter

you will soon be cheered up by the prosperity in spring

let's wait for the good things to come~

pics from the internet
