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no leave of city unless necessary, 2-week closed-off in universities of shaanxi

source:           editor:wenny

latest update on covid-19 in shaanxi

from 0:00 to 24:00 on march 14, there were 53 newly confirmed local cases (6 in xi'an, 40 in baoji, 4 in hanzhong, 2 in tongchuan, 1 in xianyang) in shaanxi. since march 5, a total of 245 confirmed local cases (77 in xi'an, 149 in baoji, 15 in hanzhong, 1 in yangling demonstration zone, 2 in tongchuan, 1 in xianyang) were reported in shaanxi, all in hospital now.


residents shall not leave the city unless necessary

according to the xi'an city epidemic prevention and control command, in order to prevent the spillover of the epidemic, from march 15, management of leaving the city will be further strengthened. according to relevant policy, all residents in xi'an shall not leave the city unless necessary. for those who really need to leave the city, they must hold a green health code and a 48-hour negative result of nat; in principle, people in districts and counties where medium and high-risk areas are located can not leave the city, but for those who really need to leave the city due to special matters such as acquiring medical treatment, they must have the approval of leaving the city on top of above, pass-through will be issued upon inspection.

upon airports, train stations and bus stations, the green health code and the 48-hour negative result of nat will be strictly checked before issuing pass-through of the travelers. for those who need to leave the city due to special circumstances in the districts and counties where medium and high-risk areas are located, the epidemic control command of the districts, counties and development zones will issue the approval of leaving the city.

48-hour negative result of nat needed for taking the subway

according to the requirements of the epidemic prevention and control, since march 14, in addition to wearing the mask, taking a temperature test and scanning the station entrance positioning code, passengers taking the subway must also present the negative result of nat within 48 hours.

2-week closed-off management and online teaching are launched in universities of shaanxi

on march 13, the education system of shaanxi issued the notification requiring immediate activation of the emergency command system for epidemic prevention and control and the implementation of closed-off management.

1.all colleges and universities shall implement closed-off management for two weeks, no outsiders are allowed to enter the campus, only entry allowed (for university personnel).

2.it is strictly prohibited to hold large-scale activities. large meetings, training, forums are suggested to be held online; offline meetings, training, and forums with more than 50 people shall not be held recently.

3.online shopping is strictly controlled, students are suggested to suspend online shopping, especially for products from high-risk areas; for the packages delivered already, the school must implement unified sterilization before releasing the packages.

4.daily necessities and logistics support will be coordinated via a special transportation channel. potential infections from people and materials shall be strictly prevented; personnel, vehicles and materials entering the campus shall be under comprehensive disinfection and sterilization to ensure safety.

5.during the two-week closed-off management of colleges and universities, unified online teaching is implemented.

6.according to the local policies (within shaanxi), the nat upon all teachers, students and personnel shall be well implemented, a regular sampling system of nat at a certain percentage will be created, and the frequency of nat upon key personnel will be increased.

7.universities and colleges shall reserve isolated spaces on the ratio of 20:10000, and shall prepare all the necessary materials for epidemic prevention and control.

8.a 24-hour duty system shall be in place, and the management of dining in campus cafes shall be strengthened. once the epidemic and the close contacts are captured, the report to authorities shall be executed within 2 hours.

from cdc expert zhang yi: avoid gatherings and parties during the epidemic


according to zhang yi, director of the institute of infectious disease prevention and control of shaanxi cdc, gathering has become the main mode of transmission in this round of epidemic, with restaurants the main spot of transmission. first, the evolutionary branch of the omicron mutant strain is more contagious and it spreads faster. second, restaurants are relatively closed places where people usually gather and stay for a long time, and they do not wear masks while eating, often talking while dining, which can easily cause the spread of the virus. zhang yi suggested that residents continue adhering to personal protective measures such as wearing masks, washing hands, avoiding gatherings, keeping social distance, having frequent ventilation and disinfection, so as to reduce the risk of getting infected.
