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latest policies on visiting xi'an

source:           editor:wenny

from 0:00 to 24:00 on march 13, there were 60 newly confirmed local cases (14 in xi'an,45 in baoji, 1 in hanzhong) in shaanxi. since march 5, a total of 192 confirmed local cases (71 in xi'an, 109 in baoji, 11 in hanzhong, 1 in yangling demonstration zone) were reported in shaanxi, all in hospital now.

as of march 12, 2022 at 23:00, the following 3 areas were adjusted to medium-risk areas:

1.jindu building, linyan community, wenyi rd street, beilin district

2.erdao alley, daxue east road, zhubei community, chang'an rd street, beilin district

3.no.2 building, wanda neighborhood, zhongshan gate street, xincheng district

upon the adjustment, there are currently 13 medium-risk areas in xi'an.

the other 10 medium-risk areas released earlier:

qujiang new district (3个)

hyatt regency hotel, no. 988 east qujiang pool road, qujiang new district

building l3, cuizhuyuan neighborhood, yajule community, qujiang new district

building 17, vanke city light neighborhood, vanke community, qujiang new district

xincheng district (5个)

residential building in nanchangxiang neighborhood, shangpu community, west 1st rd street, xincheng district

golden times apartment, dongxin community, zhongshan gate street, xincheng district

xiao yang barbecue restaurant, no. 130, east new street, zhongshanmen street, xincheng district

canton palace, no. 256, dongxin street, west 1st street, xincheng district

hanting hotel (wanshou road metro station branch), changle mid street, xincheng district

 lianhu district (1个)

building 6, jinhui swan bay neighborhood, hongmiaopo street, lianhu district

 beilin district (1个)

building 1, golden city neighborhood, wenyi road, beilin district

according to the press release held on mar 12 upon epidemic prevention and control of xi'an, the latest prevention and control policies on visitors to xi'an are as below:

1.for visitors from medium and high-risk areas, centralized isolation and observation measures for 14 days shall be implemented.

2.for other visitors from the corresponding districts and counties of the medium and high-risk areas, 14-day stay-in-home isolation shall be implemented.

3.for other visitors from the corresponding townships or streets of municipalities and sub-provincial cities of the medium and high-risk areas, 14-day stay-in-home isolation shall be implemented.

4.for visitors from the corresponding districts and counties of the areas where outbreaks have occurred but not designated as risk areas, 14-day stay-in-home isolation shall be implemented.

5.for visitors from provinces with locally confirmed cases, also for those from cities with locally confirmed cases in shaanxi, a strict check will be implemented upon 48-hr nat negative result, digital travel records and the health code, 1 nat will be operated upon entry, then the pass-through will be issued with the personal information registered. another nat shall be implemented on the 3rd day since the visitor's entry.

6.for visitors from provinces with no epidemic, 1 nat will be operated upon entry, then the pass-through will be issued with the personal information registered.

7.within the scenic areas and hotels, for visitors from other provinces, a strict check will be implemented upon 48-hr nat negative result, digital travel records and the health code. any abnormal cases will be reported to the local epidemic prevention and control departments in the first place
