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featured moon cakes of shaanxi universities

source:           editor:zhang wenni

as the mid-autumn festival is approaching, eight universities in shaanxi jointly launched their customized moon cake packages, which convey profound connotations and their best wishes.

northwest university

the main graphic of the moon cake is the four chinese characters of "northwestern university" in seal script, superimposed on the pictorial qin and han tile forms. it sends out an ancient vibe and calls out the rich history of northwestern university.

xidian university

the inner ring of the graphic is an electron spinning track, and outside the ring is the chinese name of the university, with the english name "xidian university" at the bottom.

northwest a&f university

the overall design of the pattern highlights the life sciences, reflecting the themes of agriculture, forestry and water. the two dna chains of genetic material spiral upward side-by-side, calling out the school's mission to inherit agricultural civilization and solve the food problem.

chang'an university

the whole graphic comprises the seal character "长大"(chinese abbreviation of the university) and the xi'an city wall. the three city gates indicate the merge of the three original institutions. the overall image reflects the school's mission of "spreading scientific knowledge and inspiring innovative thinking", it also embodies the long history of chang'an university over the past 70 years.

shaanxi university of science & technology

the left and right semicircles of the entire pattern represent the east and west cultures respectively, implying the mindset of the university to learn from both east and west cultures; the five upward waves convey great vitality and vigor of the university.

northwest university of political science and law

the upper part of the graphic is composed of a balance and a sword, symbolizing the supremacy, fairness and justice of the law. the lower part of the pattern is the name of the university in chinese and english, and the chinese name is handwritten by mr. shu tong, a famous chinese calligrapher.

xi'an international studies university

the upper half of the graphic is derived from the shape of the old school gate in the early days, showing the rich history and cultural accumulation of the university; the lower part is a half globe, representing the insistence on the open and internationalized road of schooling and the remarkable and consistent development history of the university.

xi'an shiyou university

there are two letters in the graphic, x - the initial of "xi'an", p - the initial of "petroleum", and the image looks like a flying dove, which symbolizes the bright future of both the university and the students. 
