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guide for out-of-town visitors to leave xi'an

source:discover shaanxi           editor:马一旭

update of covid-19

from 00:00 to 24:00 on january 11, 8 new local confirmed cases (all in xi'an found in the quarantined) were reported; 125 were discharged from hospital.

guide for out-of-town visitors to leave xi'an

out-of-town visitors stranded in xi'an due to covid-19

(do not include residents in xi'an)

visitors for family visits and travel

visitors for business trips

visitors for having medical treatment

visitors currently unemployed

visitors working in logistics and transportation

visitors stranded at transit stations

other visitors

*for those stranded in medium and high-risk areas and in districts and counties (development zones) they locate, departure from the city is strictly restricted.

*for those stranded in other districts and counties (development zones), it is highly recommended to not leave the city unless it is really necessary. if they do have to leave the city, the approval by the sub-district (township) office or the development zone must be acquired, with a negative result of nucleic acid test within 48 hours and the green health code.

application procedure

stranded visitors submit application to the neighborhood (village) office

preliminary review by the neighborhood (village) office  

further review and approval by the sub-district (township) office

certificate for leaving the city is issued

*for development zones entrusted with no sub-districts (township), command center of the zone will take further review and issue the certificate accordingly

about the winter holiday arrangement for university students

recently, according to the academic calendar, universities should have already begun to conduct final exams, announce winter holiday and work on related affairs. due to the covid-19, however, decisions upon whether to or when to announce winter holiday are to be determined according to further notification from the education department of shaanxi provincial government.

at present, exams that have yet been launched by universities were either conducted online or postponed to the next semester. some universities have already started the courses online for next semester.

we will be actively following up with the related policies and keep you posted at the first place!
