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postpone of returning school issued by universities

source:           editor:wenny

latest update on covid-19 in shaanxi

from 0:00 to 24:00 on march 10, there were 18 newly confirmed local cases (8 in xi'an, 8 in baoji, 2 in hanzhong) in shaanxi. since march 5, a total of 63 confirmed local cases ( 38 in xi'an, 21 in baoji, 4 in hanzhong) were reported in shaanxi, all in hospital now.

due to the changing situation of the epidemic, universities in xi'an have issued notices to postpone returning to school, implement closed-off management of campus, and conduct online courses.

northwest university of political science and law

on march 10, the university released the notice about the recent comprehensive strengthening of epidemic control work.

1. returning to school and registering for the new semester will be postponed. march 12-13, the originally planned returning dates, will be postponed, and new dates are to be determined per change of the epidemic.

2. starting from march 14, online teaching will be launched.

3. the two campuses (chang'an campus and yanta campus) will be under closed-off management, non-student/faculty/school staff from outside the campus will not be allowed to enter the campus, personnel on campus shall not go out unless necessary.

xi’an university of finance and economics

on march 9, the university urgently released the notice about postponing the school-returning dates for the spring semester.

1. returning to school and registering for the new semester will be postponed. march 12-13, the originally planned returning dates, are currently postponed to march 26-27 (subject to the changing situation of the epidemic).

2. starting from march 14, online teaching will be launched.

3. school-returning dates for faculties stay as originally planned.

xi’an conservatory of music

on march 9, the university issued the notice regarding the postponement of students' return to school.

1. returning-school dates for undergraduate and graduate students will be postponed, and the specific time of return is to be determined per changes of the epidemic situation.

2. faculty and staff shall work from home or come to the campus subject to their working needs, they shall not travel out of the city unless necessary.

xidian university

on march 10, the university issued the official notice related to epidemic prevention and control.

campus access control

1. non-student/faculty/school staff shall not enter the campus. faculty, staff, international students and graduate students living off-campus will be allowed to enter and leave the campus with the school card (via face recognition).

2. all entrants will be strictly verified with their identities, they shall also follow the check of body temperature, health code, digital travel records and the latest negative nat before entering the campus.

3. the north gate of the south campus (chang'an district) and the north gate of the teaching area of the north campus (yanta district) will be closed from now on, and the specific opening date is to be determined.

personnel mobility management

1. for students who have not returned to school, returning dates are postponed until march 19.

2. undergraduate students are not allowed to leave the campus before the end of the exams; graduate students are not allowed to leave the campus unless necessary.

3. faculty and staff shall not take business travel out of town or leave the city for non-essential purposes recently.

northwest university

on march 10, the university issued the notice to further strengthen the prevention and control of epidemics on campus.

1. the "closed-loop management" and "not going out unless necessary" rules shall be followed.

2. access control policies. the teaching area of the university is under closed-off management (taibai campus strictly implements the prevention and control requirements of the beilin district, and all people entering and leaving the campus must present the 48-hour negative result of nat).

chang'an university

on march 10, the university issued the notice on the prevention and control of epidemics on campus.

1. students, faculty and staff shall not leave xi'an unless necessary, and if they do need to leave, they must strictly follow the procedures of request for leave and reporting back after leave. for students and faculty returning from outside the province, a 48-hour negative nucleic acid test result must be checked. for those returning from provinces where the covid-19 outbreak has occurred, all relevant units on campus must assist the university hospital in conducting the nat on the 1st, 4th and 7th days after their arrival.

2. the campus is currently under strict closed-off management, with the teaching and residential areas isolated, only one entrance is open for each campus. non-student/faculty/school staff and corresponding cars from outside the campus shall not enter the campus. for those who need to enter the campus for life support and material delivery, the relevant responsible departments will strictly verify and then approve. upon the 48-hour negative result of nat and reporting to the security office, they shall enter the campus in strict accordance with the related regulations and procedures.

3. per the epidemic situation of the city, also according to the overall work arrangement of the university, mixed teaching work (online and offline) will be carried upon postgraduate students, and online teaching work will be carried out upon undergraduate students in due course.
