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official opening of 2020 shaanxi in foreigners' eyes photo exhibition

source:           editor:张雯妮

photography can help you capture all the beauty in the world, the people, the views, and the stories. 2020 is such a special year, what were the changes of shaanxi in the eyes of the foreigners? may this photo exhibition seize all those unforgettable moments!           

ketrin jow: let all the photos tell my stories.

image is an excellent story teller, and i am so happy to see my photos on display here. "discover shaanxi" is a great channel for foreigners to learn about shaanxi and china. in indonesia, people firstly think of beijing and shanghai when they talk about china, and their understanding of shaanxi may only be limited to the terracotta warriors. however, i was able to develop a more comprehensive understanding of shaanxi through the exhibition today, and i was deeply attracted to the cultural and historical elements here! the interesting local culture in shaanxi really touched my heart, so i also participated in various cultural activities in our university, such as the folk music club, which largely helped me adapt myself to the local communities.

thank you so much for organizing this photo exhibition! as we all know that 2020 is a very special year, and i haven't been home for a long time due to the epidemic, but this exhibition really highlighted my life here, reminding me of the fun and joyful moments!

henry cui-peyper:from shaanxi, i learned that happiness can be shown in multiple angles.

i got to know local foreigner (official wechat account of discover shaanxi) through my friends and thus participated in this photo exhibition. i have been living abroad and i have also lived in many big cities of china, but xi 'an impressed me the most. in short, it's a better place to truly experience and enjoy life. the pace of the city is relatively slow yet the happiness index of people is very high. shaanxi is home to many people from different countries with different backgrounds, who gather here and open a new chapter of their lives.

malik kalleem:the charm of sunset.

as soon as i walked into the exhibition hall, i felt a strong vibe of art, and i wondered why i hadn't known about this photo exhibition earlier. if i had known, i would have signed up with my work. i really love photography and i have a lot of good ones.

of these photos, i like the one with the sunset, and i always love capturing the scene of sunset with my camera!

although this exhibition will continue year by year, it's so sad that i will leave in june next year. however, i will share my beautiful memories here with "discover shaanxi".

mambetova elnura:photo endows us with the eye for beauty.

although i have been living in shaanxi for just a couple of years, this exhibition really reminded me of many familiar sceneries in shaanxi. i like these photos very much. though we have seen most of the views in real life, they were imprinted with special meaning when framed for display.

khwaja m khalid :ever-lasting exhibition, ever-changing city

i come to the exhibition every year, and this is the fourth one, it just gets better and better. i like this kind of activity very much, which enables us to discover the true beauty of shaanxi. 

are you interested in photography? do you want to learn more about shaanxi? do you want to see shaanxi in foreigners' eyes? if your answers are all “yes”, feel free to check out this photo exhibition!
