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to relax and chat in this cozy lounge from neighborhood

source:           editor:zhang wenni

at 20, gao peng just liked drinking. while at 30, he learned to taste draft beer. gao peng turned his hobby into his career from customer to owner, naming his shop cozy lounge. when spotting good wine, he would share it with his customers and thus harvest great joy. gao peng said, he has to do what he really likes, especially at this age. 35 is a struggling age in a big company, plus the industry as a whole is now in a downward period. therefore, gao peng decided to start his own business.

i became much busier than before, but i always felt fulfilled. working hard to chase your dream is very down-to-earth.

gao peng went around the streets of xi'an at the beginning to pick the site for his shop. he chose a location in qujiang because of the big neighborhoods around, which cover a wide range of residents. on the other hand, his friends mostly live in the southern suburbs, so this place will not be too far for them to have gatherings.

during one's middle age, it's not easy to find a favoured wine with quality in the neighbourhood. my shop is close to the neighbourhood, so my customers are partially local-based.

gao peng personally went through the decoration, wine categories, and other subtle details. the decoration features american style but is added with chinese furniture. gao peng calls this "chinese baroque".

in 2014, gao peng fell in love with the wine culture. "when i spotted a unique beer flavour, i would exchange insights with the owner to talk about wine and life." by 2017, gao peng started to think of opening a bar, and he found all kinds of liquor and featured craft beer online to try out. a year later, gao peng acquired several wine tasting certificates and planned to open this bar.

became an excellent wine taster

in gao peng's view, although the threshold for starting a bar is relatively low, the wine selection is a big challenge. wine tasting requires relevant certificates, and one class involves more than ten kinds of wine, which is a test for the palate. one also has to learn the origin of each wine appellation and the style of wine factories.

customers come to the shop looking for a wine they like, and gao peng is capable of offering such an environment and using his expertise to recommend a wine for them.

"bar owners are not brewers but more like tasters. they analyse the color, aroma and taste, and then promote the niche beers to customers based on their tasting experiences. you can take us as 'porters' who carry the beer from its origin to the customers, so that they can find the beers they like."


when it is hot in summer, the shop sells beers with a more refreshing taste; when it is cold in winter, beers with a high degree and a strong taste will be served. moreover, wine categories are adjusted timely according to the changing taste of customers.

observing the state of each customer is also one of gao peng's specialties. "some customers look sweaty while walking down the road, and others may look more relaxed for they have been in the car. i can sense whether the customers are in an irritable or happy mood, then i will recommend the right wine for them at the moment."

not many young people visit the shop. on the contrary, most customers here are people who have been rolling around in life, which adds a special meaning to the cozy lounge. when people reach their middle age and encounter struggles in life, the shop will be a warm place to rest, relax and chat.
