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5 medium-risk areas were newly added in xi'an

source:           editor:wenny

according to xi'an covid-19 prevention and control command, the following areas are adjusted to medium-risk areas from 24:00 on march 7, 2022.

1.building l3, cuizhuyuan neighborhood, yajule community, qujiang new district

2.building 17, vanke city light neighborhood, vanke community, qujiang new district

3.building 6, jinhui swan bay neighborhood, hongmiaopo street, lianhu district

4.xiao yang barbecue restaurant, no. 130, east new street, zhongshanmen street, xincheng district

5.canton palace, no. 256, dongxin street, west 1st street, xincheng district

upon the latest adjustment, there are currently 8 medium-risk areas in xi'an.

the other 3 medium-risk areas in xi'an released earlier

hyatt regency hotel, no. 988 east qujiang pool road, qujiang new district

hanting hotel (wanshou road metro station branch), changle mid street, xincheng district

building 1, golden city neighborhood, wenyi road, beilin district

from 21:00 on march 7, the epidemic prevention and control measures at xi'an xianyang international airport were adjusted and are hereby notified as follows:

(source: xi'an xianyang international airport co., ltd.)

一、for passengers traveling to other cities from the airport

please present the digital travel record, valid personal id, health code and other relevant verifications at the entrance of the terminal.

1. residents of medium and high-risk areas in xi'an and those at the corresponding districts (counties) will be restricted from cross-city travel and access to the terminal.

2.residents in low-risk areas and the corresponding districts (counties) of xi'an, or for passengers whose digital travel records show the trajectory of xi'an (showing: xi'an, shaanxi province*), they will be required to present negative nucleic acid testing result within 48 hours and a green health code, in order to enter the terminal.

3.for passengers from other districts or regions outside of xi'an, and if their digital travel records do not show " xi'an, shaanxi province* ", they can enter the terminal upon the green health code.

4.a temperature check will be conducted upon entering the terminal. those with a temperature higher than 37.3 ℃ will not be allowed to enter the terminal, the epidemic prevention department will take relevant isolation measures according to the epidemic prevention policy of xi'an.

for passengers from other cities who are arriving at xi'an xianyang international airport, the epidemic prevention policy is as follows:

before departure, please prepare the digital travel records, health code and results of nucleic acid testing.

1.for passengers from medium and high-risk areas and the corresponding counties (districts), townships or streets of municipalities and sub-provincial cities, the epidemic prevention department will take relevant isolation measures according to the epidemic prevention policy of xi'an.

2.for passengers from the corresponding cities of the medium and high-risk areas, digital travel records, green health code and negative results of nucleic acid testing within 48 hours shall be presented for passing through.

3.for passengers from other low-risk areas, digital travel records and green health code shall be presented for passing through.

about the timing rules upon "nucleic acid testing within 48 hours"

1. the "48 hours" starts with the sample taking time, for reports showing both the sample taking time and testing time, the sample taking time shall prevail; for reports not showing the specific time, the valid starting time shall be calculated as 00:00 on the date shown in the report.

2.for passengers departing from xi'an, the valid expiration of the "48 hours" ends upon the passenger entering the terminal; for passengers arriving in xi'an, the valid expiration of the "48 hours" ends at the planned landing time of the flight, and if the actual landing time is later than the planned landing time, the actual landing time shall prevail.

source of info from xi'an release, xi'an xianyang international airport
