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fascinating but heart-breaking historic drama

source:           editor:zhang wenni

"the song of everlasting sorrow" is china's first large-scale live-action historical dance drama created and launched by shaanxi tourism group, based on famous chinese poet bai juyi's renowned poem "the song of everlasting sorrow". the show fully excavates scenic resources, applying high-tech stage lighting, combining historical stories with live performances, and recreating the love story of emperor li longji and his concubine yang guifei in the huaqing palace more than 1300 years ago.

"the song of everlasting sorrow" is an artistic re-creation of the theme "love" expressed in bai juyi's legendary work. as the show is set in huaqing palace, where the historical story actually took place, a magnificent historical scene and touching love story is vividly presented to the audience.

the entire show is 70 minutes long. through landscape scenery presentation, classical music and dance, poetry narration, high-tech lighting and sound, special effects and other performance techniques, the show fully demonstrates the splendid atmosphere of the tang dynasty and the legendary love story. while immersing in the performance, the audience travel through time and space to witness the poignant love story that happened at the foot of lishan mountain more than a thousand years ago by the huaqing pool, surrounded by the rich cultural essence of the tang dynasty.

the newly upgraded "the song of everlasting sorrow" in 2022 now returns with a refreshing look at the huaqing palace scenic area. now let's take a look at the dazzling scenes through the aerial perspective, to experience the love story lasting through the millennium.

stage setting

"the song of everlasting sorrow" is set against mountain li as the backdrop, with jiulong lake as the stage. through the world's leading high-tech means, the stage setting involves the dreamy and starry sky, the waterfall rolling in the forest, the burning fire on the lake and three groups of led soft screens which are about 700 square meters, as well as a fully concealed liftable underwater stage with nearly 1000 square meters.

dance performance

the tang dynasty was a classic period in chinese history when the art of music and dance was highly prosperous and developed, and the dance drama "the song of everlasting sorrow" comprehensively demonstrates the classical beauty of music and dance in that era. the performers fill their rich emotions into the dance, and the show thus achieves a high degree of artistic integration.

drama plotthe song of everlastign sorrow

based on bai juyi's legendary piece "the song of everlasting sorrow", the show vividly recreates the story of emperor li and concubine yang. they encountered each other, fell in love, went through a forced separation, and finally met in penglai wonderland. with the heartfelt performances, the touching scenes were intertwined. upon the end of the show, the audience have shed rounds of tears.

some artistic expressions may break boundaries and achieve universal popularity. some legendary love stories may travel through time and touch the hearts of everyone in the world. while from "the song of everlasting sorrow", you can capture both.
