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2021 of vearnest, a possible guinness record breaker

source:           editor:wenny

remember the vearnest from america?

here is his 2022 goals:


win several boxing competitions

keep auditioning for films and hopefully land a role

hold a large music concert for my band

continue refining my character by reading the four canons of taoism and visit a taoist temple

do more charitable acts 

do good things for my friends in china and abroad

they look so challenging. do you think he can achieve the goals or not.

i  have strong confidence he will make them realities

for he had an equally challenging and wonderful 2021

releasing an album, finishing a comic book, practicing martial arts, doing charitable clauses, and breaking the  guinness world record

so many incredible things in a year!

finishing a music album

stardust voyager, an instrumental hip-hop band composed of 4 excellent foreign musicians and 1 chinese dj, is definitely a unique band in the ancient city of xi'an. the lead singer v (vearnest) has american black hip hop in his blood, and his gorgeous lyrics and explosive raps will definitely blow your mind.




vearnest and his band

the mv just won a prize at the international music video awards in london three days ago.

skill development




"i have been studying martial arts since i was a teenager. i have learned judo, bjj, tae kwon do, shaanxi hong quan and boxing. having done mma and other martial arts competition, i want to keep learning and refining my skills. my uncle was a famous boxer in america. this year, i have made a lot of improvements in boxing. i want to be a boxing champion and i am on the way, step by step. i also have learned how to blend chinese and western martial arts together to protect others. i hope to keep my family, friends and other safe. i don’t worry about safety though, xi’an and shaanxi are very safe. the police do a great job here."

 relationship developments



"i am an introverted person. people often think i am a ninja because i like to disappear. actually, i just like to read at home and study people/things. everything is fascinating to me. luckily, i have met many local friends in shaanxi that can put up with my eccentric behavior. i call myself “the silent gentleman.” in reality, i want everyone to feel at peace when they are near me. so, i tend to listen more and try to understand others more. i am very grateful to heaven that i have a good brother in china and several great friends that i met this year. heaven has been good to me. i am grateful."

charitable and selfless causes

"i also understand traditional chinese taoism philosophy more. i believe i am walking in the path of righteousness more and more every day. i have a sincere desire to become an ethical man. it’s not easy, there is a lot of temptation. however, if i have to choose between wealth and a good heart. i choose a good heart. i love other people. i truly do and i don’t want to waste the opportunity to care for someone. sometimes, i get cheated, i am not angry about it though. if you want to be a chef, sometimes you will cut your fingers. "

"i want to say that i am very grateful to china and chinese people. i think there is common misconception that most foreigners just want to exploit or do bad things in china.  no matter which country i am in, i always hope to contribute positively to the local people and society. i hope i can keep growing and i want to do more charity work in china. i also hope that to use my success to do good things for those around me. if i get any film roles, i plan to donate nearly all the money to charity after paying taxes."

for 2021, i lived a mostly charitable year. i think i did some wonderful things to help others. at least, i tried my best given my circumstance.




i attempted a guinness world record acitivity to raise money for poor or homeless individuals. i did 105 diamond push-ups in one minute and broke the world record. though we are waiting for guinness to finish the final review, it was a great and meaningful event.

vearnest often does self-assessment and analyzes his character by asking himself a very simple question: did you help others and do good today/this week/month/year, etc.?

there are 3 criteria:

a. did you help other to gain someone to gain fame, money or self-benefit? if so, i have failed.

b. did you live this year selflessly and with integrity? if so, i have passed.

c. did other benefit from your efforts? if so, i have succeeded.

based on the three criteria, i think vearnest's 2021 was suah a big success!

my message to 2021

“you tested me a lot, but i am still standing. i really feel i made the most of this year in the best way i could.  i am grateful for the joys and pains.  i thank you for your blessing and your difficulties. i will carry what i gained from this year forward to the next.”

i got into great physical shape. i finished writing a comic book and i am working with an artist from marvel to create it.

it's already a new year in 2022

will the year of tiger be afar?

let's check lovely tiger created by vearnest~


wusong and the tiger· turn swords into 'ploughshares
