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encounter breathtaking treasures of the tang dynasty

source:           editor:zhang wenni

as an excavation project with a significant influence on the history of chinese archaeology, and also the most popular permanent exhibition in the shaanxi history museum, the exhibition "treasures of the tang dynasty—exhibition of unearthed cultural relics in hejiacun", since 2010, has attracted thousands of visitors from all over the world. they came to find out about the prosperity of the great tang dynasty.

more than ten years have passed, the museum's exhibition concept has moved to another level, and the research on hejiacun has achieved new results. to upgrade the demonstration of the exhibition, shaanxi history museum launched a series of renovations, and the refreshed exhibition officially opened to the public on may 18 this year.

story of the great treasures

pic from shaanxi history museum

the discovery of the ruins in hejiacun village was very accidental. in october 1970, when an infrastructure construction worker was digging the foundation, he suddenly found a pottery urn and a silver jar with a beam lift filled with gold and silver treasures. the staff immediately reported the discovery to the shaanxi provincial museum, the predecessor of the current shaanxi history museum. the antiquarian antiquaries rushed to the site in no time and took care of these treasures. they soon carried out drilling investigations around, looking forward to more discoveries. this archaeological discovery is famous for a large number of unearthed cultural relics, various types, exquisite craftsmanship and good condition. it is also one of the most important archaeological discoveries of the sui and tang dynasties in the 20th century.

through the renovation and upgrading, the exhibition has selected 319 pieces (groups) of gold and silver, agate, jade, glass, coins, herbs and other cultural relics excavated from the hejiacun village, which are related to the regulations, court banquets, ritual culture, social customs and civilization exchanges during the tang dynasty. the treasures collectively present the political, economic, cultural and social life at that time.

now let's take an immersive trip of these wondrous treasures!

gold bowl with pattern of lotus petals and mandarin ducks

gold dragons

gold inlaid agate cup with animal head

the silver sachet with grape flower and bird pattern

silver ingots with inscriptions indicating the place of production

jade bangles with plated gold                    


gold cup with filigree floral medallions

six-lobed silver plate with gilt bear

gold foil

silver jar with a loop handle and gilt parrots

silver goblet with hunting scenes

silver box with peacock patterns

eight-lobed gilt silver cup with carvings of men in hunting and women sightseeing 

peach-shaped five-foot silver censer with carved honeysuckle patterns

gilt octagon cup with pattern of musicians

silver wine cup with gilt trailing grass and mandarin ducks

silver lidded bowl with gilt clustered flowers

upon the comprehensive renovation, the exhibition applies a new attempt at content interpretation and display methods, such as time shifting, narrative space, ingenious technology and materials. this way, treasures are displayed harmoniously, with the space, light, color and material well balanced. visitors can acquire great visual joy and an immersive experience by having a tour here.  

click "read more" at the end of the article to take a vr tour of the exhibition. 
